"An Open invitation to all Freemasons"
Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine
Division of West Lancashire
R.Ill.Kt. Michael Robert Walker, Intendant-General
Constantine Conclave No. 261
Mosy Puissant Sovereign
V.Ill.Kt. Geoffrey M Porter, P.G.H.Chan, P.Dep.Int-Gen.
Ill.Kt.Ian H. Scott, P.G.Cham.
You are invited to attend the next regular convocation when,
by invitiation of The Intendant-General,
Ill.Kt.Michael Neville, G.Pref. will deliver a Lecture entitled
"Sacred Secrets"
The Meeting will be held at Pemberton Masonic Hall
Chapel Street, Pemberton, Wigan WM5 8JP
Friday 24th April 2015
Make several days advancement in Masonic Knowledge
Tickets (Including Hot Pot Supper and Cheeseboard) £7.00
Secure your place NOW, by booking early, with remittance, to the
Recorder/Secretary, N Cooper Esq, 16 Darvel Avenue, Garswood,
Ashton in Makerfield, Wigan WN4 0UA
Tel 01942 729772 or email on this link